Disk Animations

Each month a summary of sunspot activity is written and forms part of a report sent to the Solar Section of the British Astronomical Association (BAA) and to The Astronomer. Follow the links below to read a page summary of sunspot activity. The McIntosh Sunspot Group Classification is used for sunspot group descriptions.

January 2019

The first observations of the month on the 17th and 19th showed blank disks. The next observation on the 27th showed a Cso group nearing the western limb – this was AR 2733 at 8°N/259° which comprised the leading penumbral sunspot and a string of followers. When seen on the following day, the number of followers had reduced and it had an area of 50 millionths. The final observations of the month on the 30th and 31st again revealed blank disks.

Hydrogen Alpha:
The two Hα observations during the month on the 17th and 20th showed just small prominences (no filaments or plague).

February 2019

No sunspots were seen during the month based on 17 observations. Faculae was seen near the western limb on the 24th and 25th.

Hydrogen Alpha:
Hα observations remained low during the month based on 6 observations – the most notable feature was an extended filament in the northern hemisphere on the 21st.  Plague was seen on the 23rd near the western limb (to the south of the now smaller filament from the 21st). No prominences were seen.

March 2019

From 15 observations during the month four groups were seen on 8 days and blank disks on the remaining 7 days. All the groups were seen in the northern hemisphere. The first of these was AR 2734 at 8°N/62° which was initially seen on the 5th as an Axx group comprising a collection of small sunspots. By the 7th, with the group approaching the central meridian, AR 2734 appeared as a small Cao group with an area of 30 millionths. The followers had disappeared by the 9th to leave a Hax group of the same area. As AR 2734 was seen progressing towards the western limb it decayed to type Axx on the 10th and 11th. The next observations on the 14th and 17th both showed blank disks.

On the 18th AR 2735 was seen at 2°N/257° of type Cso with an area of 30 millionths. By the next observations on the 24th, AR 2734 was not seen but another group, AR 2736 was seen close to the western limb as a Dso group at 12°N/279°. Only faculae remained on the following day - the observations on the 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th and 30th were all blank.  On the 31st a Bxo group had developed in the north-east quadrant at 12°N/59° – this was the fourth group of the month, AR 2737.

Hydrogen Alpha:
Very few Hα features were seen during the month. On the 9th plage was seen associated with AR 2734 but not on the 10th. A curved prominence was seen on the W limb on the 10th. Two small filaments were seen on the 17th while on the 24th plage was seen associated with AR 2736 close to the W limb and another region nearer to the middle of the disk. No features were seen on the 30th. On the 31st plage was seen associated with AR 2737.

April 2019

On the 1st AR 2737 was seen at 11°N/61° type Dso with an area of 70 millionths. By the 4th this group had disappeared on the disk and no sunspots were seen as was also the case on the 5th.

The next observation on the 9th revealed a moderately sized single penumbral sunspot with two umbra at 6°N/298° of type Hhx and area 280 millionths (AR 2738). On the 10th two small pores were seen following the main sunspot but these had disappeared by the 11th. On the 13th and 15th a light bridge could be seen within the penumbra and following pores on the 13th. On the 16th the sunspot had an area of 430 millionths and a single umbra. Its form remained the same as it progressed towards the western limb – it was last seen on the 19th together with faculae. AR 2737 was seen with the protected naked eye on each observation between the 10th and 17th inclusive.

On the 17th a Bxo group had developed on the disk just past the central meridian.  This was AR 2739 at 6°N/259°. On the following day it had developed into a small Dso group with area 50 millionths while on the 19th it was type Cso. It appeared as an Axx sunspot on the 20th before disappearing by the 21st when there was a spotless disk. There were further spotless disks on the 22nd, 25th, 26th, 29th and 30th.

Hydrogen Alpha:
The main Hα activity was plage and umbra associated with the passage of AR 2738 on the 10th, 11th and 15th. Two moderately sized prominences were also seen on the 10th, the base of one of these being above the limb. Observations made during the latter part of the month were devoid of any Hα features.

May 2019

Observations on the 1st and 2nd showed spotless disks. The next observation on the 4th revealed an Hsx sunspot near the eastern limb at 8°N/305° (AR 2740) – this was the return of AR 2738. As this group progressed towards the central meridian, the penumbral sunspot was asymmetric and it was accompanied by several nearby pores. It obtained an area of 90 millionths on the 10th. From the 11th onwards it reduced in size such that it was of type Cso on the 11th and 12th with an area of 30 millionth and then became type Axx on the 13th and 14th. AR 2738 was not seen on the 15th when it would have been close to the western limb.

On the 7th another Hsx sunspot was seen near the eastern limb – this was AR 2741 at 6°N/270°. This was larger and more symmetrical than AR 2740 having an area of 210 millionths on the 9th and 10th. It was accompanied by pores on the 11th only when the umbra also split into two. AR 2741 remained type Hax as it progressed towards to western limb.

The 10 observations made from the 20th all showed blank disks.

Hydrogen Alpha:
The passage of AR 2741 was marked by the presence of plage, filaments and sunspot umbra as main Hα activity during the month (from the 10th to the 15th). A combined prominence/filament was seen on the NE limb on the 4th.  A prominence was seen at a similar location on the NW limb on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Other small prominences were seen on the 16th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 31st. A small region of plage was seen near the E limb on the 25th.

June 2019

No sunspots were seen during the month based on 15 observations.

Hydrogen Alpha:
Hα activity remained low but there were a few prominences and filaments. A small mound prominence was seen on the NW limb on the 1st while two spike prominences were seen on the E limb on the 3rd. Also on the 3rd several filaments were seen near the E limb. On the 6th a curved multi-segment filaments was seen in the NE quadrant. Smaller filaments were seen on the 8th and 9th. Small prominences were seen on the 14th, 15th, 22rd, 27th and 28th. Two ‘blob’ shaped filaments were also seen on the 28th.

July 2019

For the 15 observations made between the 11th and 30th only one showed any sunspots.  This was on 22nd only when a single Axx sunspot was seen at 3°N/80°.

Hydrogen Alpha:
Hα activity also remained low with a few prominences and filaments (based on 7 observations). Prominences were seen on the 20th and 29th with, for the latter date, a detached prominence above the NW limb and a spike prominence on the NE limb.  Small filaments were seen on the 14th, 21st, 26th, 28th and 29th. No Hα features were seen at all on the 12th.

August 2019

Based on 18 observations made between up to the 26th, only one observation included a sunspot.  This was on the 7th when AR 2747 was seen at N07°/201° as a single Axx sunspot.

Hydrogen Alpha:
As for previous month Hα activity remained low with a few prominences and filaments (based on 14 observations). Prominences were seen on the 19th, 20th and 23rd with, for the latter date, a flame prominence above the SE limb.  Small filaments were seen on the 24th and 25th.

September 2019

No sunspots were observed from 20 observations from the 4th to 28th.

Hydrogen Alpha:
Once again very little Hα activity was observed from 9 observations.  Small filaments were seen on the 4th, 5th and 21st.  A small prominence was seen on the SE limb on the 14th and 15th. A more extensive prominence was seen on the S limb on the 20th while another small prominence was seen on the SW limb on the 28th.  On several days no Hα features were observed.

October 2019

No sunspots were observed from 10 observations from the 2nd to 31st. Faculae were observed near the south-east limb on the 2nd.

Hydrogen Alpha:
The Sun was observed in Hα just on one day – the 5th when a small filament and a small region of plage were observed.

November 2019

No sunspots were observed from 11 observations between the 3rd and 30th. Faculae was seen near the south-east limb on the 13th and 14th (and Mercury on the 11th).

Hydrogen Alpha:
No Hα features were observed on each of 5 observations throughout the month (3rd, 9th, 10th, 29th and 30th).

December 2019

Six observations between the 8th and 23rd were all spotless.  On the 24th a Bxo group comprising two sunspots was seen at 32°S/120° (AR 2753).  This group was seen on the following day together with another new cycle group AR 2754 at 26°N/191° (type Axx).  The final observation of the month on the 30th was also spotless.

Hydrogen Alpha:
The Sun was observed in Hα on six days.  On the 8th and 23rd small filaments were seen, no features were seen on the 11th, a small prominence was seen on the 15th, plage was seen associated with AR 2453 & 2454 on the 24th  and finally plage associated with AR 2543 was seen on the 30th.

Page created on 11 November 2020.